That humble thing

This past January, I picked a word to focus on for the year. That word was humility. With a new year fast approaching (now less than 2 hours away!), a couple of friends recently asked how that word choice has panned out. So here it is! (My new word for 2015 is at the end.)

  1. Getting credit. It’s nice to be recognized for good things I do or good ideas I have, but sometimes those things or ideas are overlooked, or someone else gets credit for them. Praying regularly for humility and keeping that word in the back of my mind has helped me become less disappointed or frustrated when it happens. It’s helped me be a better team player and motivated me to do good things not for credit or attention but for the feeling and knowledge of having done it.
  2. Looks. I don’t know what it is about 2014 (maybe it’s the word in action), but many, many days of this year I’ve felt unattractive. Proverbs 31:30 says, “Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” I know those things and I agree, but it’s still nice to feel pretty. Or at least relatively well put together. Not that I thought I was hot stuff before, but for whatever reason, whether it’s my own comparison to other women or putting in less effort on my part or something else, I’ve just felt more “homely” this year. … But I’ve decided that’s not a bad thing. Have you ever met someone you would consider unattractive or plain, but find them to be full of joy and perfectly comfortable in their own skin? I’ve come across more than one this past year and it’s so nice to be around them. And humbling. While it’s good to take care of yourself, looks are pretty unimportant in the grand scheme of things. Looks never brought anyone peace or that lasting joy that far surpasses temporary happiness.
  3. Words. I’ve become much more aware of how my words portray me. Do they sound prideful or humble? I’m also more aware of how other people speak.

For 2015, my word is simplify. It first jumped out at me when I had dinner with a friend and she talked about her own desire to simplify her life. I’m not sure exactly what that will look like for me, but my goal is to prioritize so I have more time for family, hobbies and rest. More on 2014 highlights and 2015 goals in my next post. Happy New Year!


4 thoughts on “That humble thing

  1. Pingback: Grades are in. How did I do? | Blogging at Tiffany's

  2. Pingback: The Gap | Blogging at Tiffany's

  3. Pingback: New year, new word | Blogging at Tiffany's

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